They tell you to "just clock out" at the end of your normal day. By the time I left, I was so overwhelmed that I was putting in 12 hour days, 7 days a week. Making things worse and perpetuating the cycle. This creates a workplace of mostly new employees who don't know what their doing. The turnover is insane because most people can't or won't put up with the job for long. Which sounds great, but you'll have to work long hours to keep on top of your caseload. You'll be salaried unless you're in the call center. The job is very monotonous for the most part so once you get the hang of how to process a claim, they're all very similar. Dub held a variety of leadership roles at Hartford Life Insurance Company and Unum Life Insurance Company, driving business strategy, claim practices, metric development, and operational excellence.I worked here for nearly a decade. While with Aetna he also served as the head of claims risk management with responsibility for development of Aetna’s disability claim practices nationally.
In this executive-level role he was responsible for designing cross-functional, holistic business development solutions and led initiatives to achieve the company’s strategic business objectives. Most recently, he served as vice president, lead business consultant for Aetna Life Insurance Company. In his new position, Dub will be responsible for creating and advancing Matrix’s growth and absence management service offerings, as well as new product development, research, strategy, data analytics and sales support.ĭub brings more than 20 years of directly related industry experience. Matrix Absence Management, Inc., (Matrix), a market leading integrator of insurance and absence management services, has named Paul Dub vice president, Product Strategy and Development, a newly-created role reporting to Matrix President Kenneth Cope.